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We believe Jesus is the most significant person in history and that life is all about Him.

Who is Jesus?

Throughout history there have been many influential figures. But none have changed the world like Jesus.

No one has been more influential than Him. No one in history has had the same kind of lasting and far-reaching impact as Jesus. For thousands of years people all across the globe have worshipped and followed Him. Now why is that? 

Jesus is more than a wise figure. More than an influential teacher. Jesus is God! The one who brought everything into existence and the one for whom everything in the universe exists. 

What is a Christian?

This is one of those questions you can answer many ways. A Christian is a forgiven sinner, an undeserving child of God. 


After being saved, the Christian life is to become more like our Lord Jesus in our attitudes, motives, and actions according to his commands. This is a constant inward battle between our sinful desires and godly desires, only ceasing when we’re taken to heaven. So, we strive by God’s Spirit not to give up but to grow to know, obey, love, and enjoy God more, whilst we’re persecuted and ridiculed like Jesus. This strengthens our faith in Jesus, and teaches us to long for heaven, when we will fully experience God’s blessings.


Our walk with Jesus is expressed outwardly by the two greatest commandments from God, these being Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind. and Love your Neighbour as yourself (Mathew 28: 37 – 40). What might that look like, here are three examples….


A Life of Love

We will consider other’s better than ourselves, humbly and selflessly loving and serving them. We are outrageously generous, and diligent in all we do as we love and serve the world and especially one another in the unity of the Spirit, using the gifts God has given us for His Glory and the good of others.



Belonging to Jesus means becoming God’s children and gaining an eternal inheritance! With joy we receive it, work, suffer and live for it, and long for it!



Becoming God's children means taking on our Father's characteristics. God makes us holy and calls us to live holy lives as His people, as we put sin to death and take on the likeness of Jesus.



Catacomb Church is all about Jesus and spreading the gospel. We are a Bible based, missional, multi-generational church that is passionate to see new disciples made for Jesus throughout Inland South Australia and beyond.

We long to see

  • a flood of new disciples of Jesus 
  • who live a new way of life in Jesus 
  • for the glory of God throughout Coober Pedy and beyond


Catacomb Church is all about Jesus and spreading the gospel. We are a Bible based, missional, multi-generational church that is passionate to see new disciples made for Jesus throughout Inland South Australia and beyond.


Lot 746 Catacomb Road,

P.O. Box 266

Coober Pedy, SA, 5723

Open 8:30am to 6:30pm
7 days a week


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